Pan-Unicode: intended to globally support the majority of Unicode's characters, and not specifically designed for one or a few writing systems (note that Pan-Unicode font ≠ Unicode font ).Vietnamese: for the Nom script formerly used.The following localization table shortens simplified Chinese to SC and traditional Chinese to TC. Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong, using education standard: List of Graphemes of Commonly-Used Chinese Characters, Chinese: 常用字字形表).Traditional Chinese (Taiwan, using education standard: Standard Form of National Characters, Chinese: 國字標準字體).Traditional Chinese (General, using printing standard or jiu zixing, Chinese: 舊字形).This can be subdivided into the following classification: The fonts are then sorted by their target writing system: This article name the two first classes Ming and sans-serif (gothic) while further divide the 'script' into several Chinese script styles.
These fonts are primarily sorted by their typeface, the main classes being 'with serif', 'without serif' and 'script'.
This is a list of notable CJK fonts ( computer fonts with a large range of Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters). From left to right: sans-serif (gothic), Ming, regular script, clerical script and seal script The first four characters of Thousand Character Classic in different typeface styles, script styles and type styles.